Unique women's, men's and gender-neutral designer fashion
Avant Gardist's mission is to democratize fashion and bring emerging fashion designers from around the world together and increase their exposure outside of traditional runways and fashion seasons. We believe in sustainability, diversity and inclusion. No matter sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, age and background.
We elevate nontraditional voices and believe that fashion has the unique power to break norms and allow us to express our individuality. Avant Gardist sourced fashion brands celebrate individual styles and expressions that help convey each person’s DNA.
Our mission is to create a global, digital gateway to unconventional fashion, where free-thinking, emerging designers can showcase their work and lovers of avant-garde fashion design can explore and find undiscovered brands.
Avant Gardist embraces the following values:
Democratize access to high-end, emerging designer clothing brands from around the world.
Introduce unique, timeless pieces without regard to seasons. We support fashion design that stands the test of time in street fashion, tech wear, avant-garde, cyber punk and future fashion.
Raise awareness around social and environmental responsibility by embracing the slow fashion movement: sustainability, ethical source material and manufacturing process, clean environment, and wage responsibility.
Visit our designer collections to discover emerging brands for yourself.